How can I become successful in life and business?
Be Kind to Yourself
Be kind to yourself. When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself, “I’m going to be successful today.” You’ll be amazed at how much more productive and confident you feel throughout your day. It’s like having an extra cup of coffee but without the jitters!
Always follow through on your commitments—and keep them small! When trying something new, like learning a new skill or taking on a new project, make it easy for yourself by starting small. You can always go back and do more if it works out well!
Embrace the Sacrifices
My best tip is to embrace the sacrifices. To succeed in work, life, or any endeavor, you need to give up things temporarily or permanently. If something doesn’t give, you can’t expect to receive it. I call it the #NOTV rule. TV was something I wasted a lot of time watching growing up, and I realized it was of little value. So I gave it up.
So when you decide to pursue something, identify what’s required, and remove all non-essentials – stop watching TV, drink with mates on a Friday night, and don’t buy that car you always wanted.
You have to stay focused and disciplined, and if you feel you are missing out on things, you probably are – and that’s a good thing! If you apply yourself for long enough, you will be satisfied with achieving your goals, and even if you don’t quite achieve what you targeted, you’ll sleep well knowing you didn’t leave a stone unturned.
Elizabeth Michelle
8 Tips For Finding Success
To be successful in life and business, [follow these tips],
1. Educate Yourself On Many Topics. Read, listen to podcasts, and take responsibility for your own education, knowledge, and skills.
2. Be Confident. Or fake confidence.
3. Stay True to Your Values and Be Assertive.
4. Build Your Resilience; you need it in life and in business.
5. Meet New People.
6. Be Open to Possibilities and Different Personalities.
7. Build Your Communication Skills and Listen to Others’ Ideas.
8. Inspire and Be Inspired by Others.
9. Be Passionate. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Tackle it in Small Chunks
It can be confusing when you start a business from scratch. You feel like you need to be an expert at everything if there is any chance to succeed, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed! My best advice is to tackle it in small chunks – work out what is manageable and do it well.
Working out a Facebook page and don’t have Instagram yet? Don’t worry – get used to Facebook first, then move on to Instagram. One thing at a time!
Also, don’t be afraid to outsource. Work out what you do well that makes you money, and put your efforts there. What don’t you do well? Can you outsource it to someone, so you have more time to spend on pursuits that will make you money?
Things like bookkeeping, copywriting, website development, and social media are all commonly outsourced to give business owners more time to do the things they’re good at that will bring in money and success!
Zara Avila
This is a crowdsourced article. Contributors' statements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of this website, other people, businesses, or other contributors.